Is it really possible to earn money writing eHow articles? I was skeptical at first too, but with the few articles I've written, I've begun earning enough money to make writing worth my while. There are a few simple principles that will allow you to write articles that draw a larger audience and generate more ad revenue, thereby earning you more money. The best thing about the money you earn writing eHow articles is that there is no limit to how much you can earn per article. As long as your articles draw traffic and earn advertising revenue, you will continue to get paid. Here are the secrets to making money writing eHow articles.
- 1
Choose your topic wisely. You will make more money from your eHow articles if you choose topics that are well supported by advertisers. For the first ten eHow articles I wrote, the article with the most page views still hasn't earned me one cent. My most recent article written according to the principles outlined here has earned me nearly $1 in less than a week.
- 2
Use keywords and key phrases throughout your article. In order to make money writing eHow articles, you should choose keywords and phrases that people are likely to use when searching for a topic. Be sure to incorporate your principal keywords and phrases at least once in the introduction, and once in each step. Use a free tool like Google AdWords or WordTracker to generate a list of the most important keywords for your topic. The trick is to find keywords with enough traffic, but not too much competition.
- 3
Have good command of written English and write in a friendly, conversational tone. You do not have to be Shakespeare to make money writing eHow articles, however you will draw a much larger readership if your articles tend to be informative and well-written. Keywords will help draw readers to your articles, but your tone and content will keep them there.
- 4
Make more money writing eHow articles by promoting them with clickable hyperlinks in email and message board signatures, and from your website or blog. Network with others by adding eHow friends. Promote your articles on social networking sites like My Space and Facebook. The more traffic you drive to your articles, the more ad revenue you will generate and the more money you will make.
- 5
Write a large cache of articles as quickly as possible. Remember that article of mine that has earned me nearly one dollar so far? If my earnings continue at the same rate, that article will earn me about $5 in one month. However, over the course of the year, I will have earned $60 for an article that took me less than half an hour to write. The key to optimizing your earnings is to create a large cache of targeted, keyword heavy articles quickly so that you can begin earning passive income. As an example, let's assume you write 100 articles with average earnings of $5 per article, per month. Let's also assume you spend an average of one hour writing each article. Over the course of a year, you would earn $6,000 for 100 hours of work. Not too shabby! But remember, your articles continue to earn you money as long as they continue to generate ad revenue. Some articles will earn you more money, others less, but the key to making money writing eHow articles is to follow Steps 1-4 above.
Tips & Warnings
- You will need an eHow user ID and a PayPal account to receive payment for your articles.
- Remember that you can always edit your articles to improve them, or even delete them should the need arise.
- Your earnings will be influenced by the keywords you target, the quality of your articles, the number of articles you write, and how much effort you make to promote them. There is no guarantee that you will earn a certain amount writing eHow articles.
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